FOURIER, Théorie des quatre mouvemens, 1808
FOURIER, Charles.
Théorie des Quatre Mouvemens et des Destinées Générales. Prospectus et Annonce de la Découverte.
Leipzig [Lyon], [Pelzin], 1808.
8vo (210 x 134 mm), (4)-425-(3) pages et tableau dépliant. binding : Blind blue wrappers. Uncut booklets. Minor repairs to the cover. Some leaves browned.

First edition.
Founding work of Fourierism.
It is in this book that Charles Fourier sets out for the first time his theories on the organization of human societies. Discoveries, which, according to him, is on a par with Newton's theory of gravitation. Fourier defines four phases of universal history (ascending chaos, ascending plenitude, descending plenitude, descending chaos), each phase subdivided into a multitude of times. Humanity is currently going through the fifth time of the first phase: Civilization. The revelation to humanity of "passionate attraction" will bring about Harmony, a phase of bliss in which Fourier's Utopia is realized.
When it was published, no one understood anything about this work, riddled with neologisms, divisions and subdivisions, extravagant considerations... the press passed over the book in silence and Fourier, annoyed that he was not recognized as a Genius, would not publish again for fourteen years.
Rare untouched copy.
references: Del Bo [p. 5].
Price : 3500 €